Saturday, October 23, 2010

92% homebrews support!

Now the HEN supports 92% of the homebrews. With the NID Translator (30% done, veeery boring),  I can run homebrews with prx, like: PSPDisp, CSPSP Online, FUSA, LightMp3, PMPPlayer, Go!Tube PRXDecrypter, Psardumper and etc.
Some VLF homebrews crashes, I'll resolve this problem;)

I'll release the HEN before Christmas on PSPGEN.COM, and you can follow all updates there!

P.S. PSPGo isn't arrived yet, it has been delayed :(


  1. Good job TN, looking forward to this release!

  2. Oh and for us English speakers, will the updates on be in English? Everything on the website is in French.

  3. its a gud job TN..e to see this hen b4 cristmas gud luck.........and many thanks in advanceeeee

  4. @kevin use google chrome it translate to english////

  5. cool superb brotha...good to listen that you made some progress...congo man...

  6. WOW Good luck T_N!! Hope this works on the GO =)

  7. Good Luck TN i hope you release it this Holiday :D

  8. Good job TN we all believe in your work!
    Keep up!

  9. You're the man!! Keep up the good work! =)

  10. Knew it xD you will make the hen and like maxigien sayed he will make CFW 6.20 before chirstmas from ur HEN

  11. at last an update.good job total noob.hope u release it soon

  12. Super I can use Audio Boost Plugin V2B on my psp go thoroughly the music super

    Total-noob thanks you for your job for scene psp
    Again I want to be a tester for your hen I go on the psp the psp go 6.20

    here is my msn contact me

    Thank you to you

  13. U r the best TN.. Ur works r much much appreciated.. Let us wish TN all the best for his attempts.. People lik u are the real heroes to the gamers.. Continue the gudd work.. Meanwhile pray god that TN will be successful in his schools too.. TN rocks.. TN rocks..!!!

  14. Nice work man and please people be patient.

  15. I think PSPGEN will make it in the 2 languages.
    English and French.

  16. Brother TN ....... a great job. InI_ _InI ...
    Greetings from Brazil (2).

    Peace and positivity.

  17. Good job man! We are excited about the launch.
    Greetings from Brazil!

  18. muchas gracias T_N espero que sigas adelante... tu mandas

  19. Great job ! This is the biggest find since Wololo's HBL. I'm looking forward to the release. Greetings from Belgium :)

  20. Excelente!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. good job!!!!!!!!!!!!! aus germany :)

  22. Felicitaciones compañero!!! eres un crack!! xD

  23. hi there,this is maziah miranda here and im really a noob in the psp scene,id really like to make friends with like minded people who can tell me stuff so plz add me on facebook so we can talk about this ok,btw i have a psp 3004 6.20 nd i use it to play gba games and some boring hmebrews!/profile.php?id=100001223566496

  24. @SmoklsybotxVideos Why don't you shut up?

    @Kevin He sucks, though I'm Brazilian too...

  25. GOOD work Total_noob ur the man
    i want to ask u one question
    "if u coded the nid translator in c++ can u release the source code for the nid translator only. please"

  26. can you release it as a hallowen treat??? it would be great.
    Good work Total Noob!!!!!

  27. You're the best Total_noob!
    Greetings from Portugal

  28. T_N, it's gonna suck when you do release the HEN, because then you'll have to change your name to Total_Pro ;)

  29. Greetings from Brazil man! Great job!

    I was follow the devel of HBL since the zero hour, and now I have been following you!

    If u need any help do as u wish (have some xpertise.. even without time to do too muc :( )

  30. Well done...Your job It's very apreciated I'm sure that we can wait before Chrismast.

    Regards from Spain!!!! We looking forward the 100% you can profit!!

    Valoramos mucho el trabajo que estas realizando men. Sigue y continua así serás querido en el mundo entero...

  31. @SmoklsybotxVideos: seriously, wtf??! MEXIGEN?? u make me laugh so hard early in the morning!

  32. TN make sure DaedalusX64 works then I'll be happy

  33. its like your a combination of fergie and jesus.


  35. ojala esto lleve pronto a que los que tenemos psp 3000 y firmware 6.10,6.20 o 6.30 podamos jugar ISOS :D algun dia....

  36. Hi Total_Noob,

    I appreciate your word done so far and it's very pleasing that you have shown us some positive progress with HBL(Thanks wololo).

    You have shown us hope we can look for after years of waiting and it all started with wololo's HBL. I admit HBL has limitations as it works in user mode and your works is extension of HBL.

    Now as we all are waiting it to be released and as you can feel all are checking this blog not on daily bases but on hourly basis.

    I know you must be feeling this HEN as your child whose father don't want it to be lost in the world.

    Don't let this child die T_N, release it and let it grow, there will be thieves who will stole, publish there names with this and will thrive for fame if that matters.

    Community will take care of this and it will grow exponentially beyond your imagination.

    And there will always be some humans who will always remember coming here regularly on high hopes and who the Total_Noob is .........

    Thanks and regards,
    Dear Friend

  37. Woooowwwwwwwwwws
    its coooooooool men

  38. @born.s2pid

    NICE METAPHORE.. but if I were total noob.. I wouldn't want someone to steal my "child". I would want to protect him/her from the bad things of the world.

  39. Dear Filipe,
    It's not all about stealing, its all about getting some results from Total_Noob works.

    If you have carefully look what he has written spl. (30% done, veeery boring)"

    I just want to say Dont let the project die.

    We are already stuck with OFW with so long, at least let us enjoy for some time before PSP2 arrive and whole attention will go to PSP2. This project might die then.

    And last frankly hearing those patapon song on HBL loading ...... no comments .. i hope you got the point.


  40. @born.s2pid

    yes, i get your point but.. I waited as long as you for something like this to happen. I don't think they will let the project die. Total_Noob worked hard for this.. and then just stop caring about it?.

    And BTW, the PSP2? I think I've read that will come out Christmas 2011, but still, till then, many things will happen.

  41. shesh, if i were total noob, I'd close down comments, 80% of whats written here is completely ridiculous.
    While this is something nice and something to be excited about, it's not the second comming guys -.-

    From my point of view, most of you are writing "OMG OMG OMG and I want to have it early cause I'm such a nice commenter"

    Also, shush, I often wait a few minutes just to hear the patapon song play

  42. Sony has put too many restrictions on their consoles it is just like you bought a car with the driver and you can't instruct the driver which way to go. It will only go in its own direction, if you want it to go some new terrain it will simply refuse. Will you buy this car? Answer is probably Yes because you are reading this !!

    Now the arguments that s given in $ony's favor is that they loose money on console sales and make money on games sale. Will you call this business model appropriate? There are so many flaws in their business model. Heck, the worst piracy victim is Nintendo yet they dont cry we will collapse due to piracy. Why? I dont mind buying original titles. But if you own 5 titles of sony you had paid more than the console !!

    Yet to many restrictions make a revolt as its happening now :p


  43. @ To all
    Don't forget to read the TN Hen FAQ by Wololo


  44. you above are talking crap, nintendo too is annoyed about flashcards and piracy, adding ap measures to even 3rd parts crap games now, updating firmwares on their dsi and if you followed the 3ds news, they're pretty sure that it will remain unhackable for quite some time, if not forever.

    Fact is, sony sold the psp as a console to play psp games and to play musik/videos/media in general.
    not homebrews, not isos, not backups or other system roms.
    People want more (and as seen in half of every forum thread about this project, they mainly want the ability to play backups they can get for free)

  45. do you think it will support iso/cso games by using irshell or just puting the game on the psp?

  46. Will i have to agree with $ony whatever they want me to do? Why i have to downgrade a movie so that i can play on PSP and that eats up pretty much time?
    My point is its a good console but it has locked so severely that has almost killed its potential.

  47. Yes you will. Its their product so you have to abide by their rules basically.
    They threw in a few million $ to create the device, it goes without saying that they arent happy that people just cant stop playing illegal copys.

    And be serious for a second, all sony is locking out is running code they dont want to run on their console.

    Of course I like cheap or free games. Who doesn't? But people like you going OH I NEED MY CFW SO I CAN FEEEEEEL FREE, NOT TO ABUSE IT BY STEALING GAMES AND STUFF LIKE THAT... I just dont like that attitude. Just go ahead and be honest, the only thing you care about is not having to spend money anymore, isn't it?

  48. Thank you. You find some time to write this post. We waiting and come back to see your blog everyday. This is good news. You are awesome. Write some if you have time to it. We keep waiting your release. All world watching on you. Thank you for your work.

  49. good job man
    I appreciate that you keep us informed about every step you take

  50. nice work man...but there is one thing that i don't understand. will this release support iso games? or we will have to wait for a iso loader or something?

  51. as being said about 5000 times already, this will not allow you to play any kind of iso game

    the exploit itself, if released, might make it possible somewhere in the faraway future though.

  52. ok...thanx for the answer. but will it be possible to downgrade a psp 3000 using this exploit?

  53. TN You ARE THE BEST!

  54. dudeeeeeeee goood job!!! grea one!
    i hope u doest have much problem on this =D
    thanks for keep your work for the psp's 6.20 users to have a hope!

  55. Okay I have a question, you guys commenting on this could probably help me, but what do you guys mean when yous say that it won't be able to play iso games? Will it just not be able to play .iso games off of the memory card, or will this make it so I can't play the PSP games I've bought?

    Just a bit confused. All I really want is to play old nintendo handhelds on my psp haha

  56. TN excuse that I will raise the issue now! But you are being a traitor to the site PSP HACKS, because they gave you $ 180 to buy a GO! and you are going to release on the PSP GEN chicken? Where are your principles?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. if this blog was launched by you, because it does not disclose his work here? so do not betray anyone! this is your merit, we will not take it, all the programmers, we have respect for his discovery, not explore this failure is because I recognize that much work and not have the patience for it! continue and be the greatest of all time! Saymon Rydes Greetings!

  59. You people need to understand,

    He does this because he WANTS to. Not because he HAS to. Or, because you guys 'need' it. Do you realise for every dumb-ass comment or request that he has to read it makes him more reluctant to do anything? FACT.

    Just shut-up and wait patiently for the work to release. Should he even choose to release it. Period.

  60. @Wakabala of youtube:

    If you mean Game Boy and Game Boy Advance, those run pretty well on Half Byte Loader as long as your firmware is still below 6.31

    they have a working gba emulator in the 15 essential homebrew section

    of course, you will still be able to run the games you bought on UMD

  61. Hello TN your work is like a master, your the master of psp hacking along with davee together your unbeatable keep up the work and i cant wait for an update.

  62. @pornogott:

    Oh wow no way, why haven't I heard of that? haha. Thanks a ton dude

  63. thanks TotalNoob GO gO GO gO =)

  64. Omg....
    Once you get this released, I will love you forever!

    I soooo woulda named my first son after you.... xD!

  65. So, how are you doing in school TN? ^_^

  66. Awesome. Well done total_noob so does daedulus work good on the hen?

  67. We need to see it work on PSP GO also... please someoane send him one.... PLEASE!

  68. some person thinks that he has made a 6.20 hen. his name is sonyspy1. he used to have a video on youtube saying that he had made a hen.
    the title was "YouTube - 6.20 Custom HENstaller by Dark-Alexander"
    his description was "Im not Dark_alex im Dark_aleXander just a code name
    Beta Testing is Open Please Pm me on my Forum or send me a PM here in ytube.

    this HEN was created by the F..."
    he did have a link in the description box but now i cannot access it.

  69. @ Abdullah

    we do not care, do not spam Total-noob blog with this.

    soo, we are waiting for the PSP go test , if it works....with his hen... i hope sooo

  70. OK i am sorry. if all of you can wait a year, i bet you can wait for another few weeks.

  71. Also Abdullah and guys on here,
    I would be EXTREMELY weary of installing anybody else's "HEN" code on your system. Why?

    Two reasons:

    1. TN is a TRUSTED source. He is with a team that has proven track record of bringing results as well as a certain level of quality that will not compromise our systems. read 'brick'

    2. If I were Sony, I would personally create code calling it a 'HEN'. This code would patch said holes in every open coding orifice known. Then, spread such "HEN" on youtube and every possible place with the intent of forcing every unit to upgrade to 6.31. Kills two birds with one deceptive stone.

    Moral of the story?
    Don't be impatient. Don't be dumb. Just wait it out.

    You waited this long, what's the rush now?

  72. lol, sony wouldn't do anything like this
    i think its actually illegal and you could sue sony for something like that

    On a different note, i'd like to ask one thing, using this HEN, will homebrews and emulators run better/faster/safer than on the halfbyteloader (meaning those that run with HBL already)?

  73. @ Super

    I don't think that TN's HEN has a chance of bricking a PSP because the HEN is simply designed to not touch the Flash 0 of the PSP but only increase the ram speed and to start the procedure of running homebrew of the XMB. The only thing i am worrying about is that if this HEN can void the warranty of our beloved PSP Go.

  74. @ ScoutingForMey

    I am definitely sure that homebrew will run a lot faster because Team Typhoon's PSP Go HEN ran picodrive during the video.

  75. ... and it ran a lot faster than HBL.

  76. WOW!!! Excelent work!
    Hope this works on the GO ;-)

  77. heeyyy dude great job but im guessing ur not going to make iso support??i would be GREAT if u made it...if u do or did...i love u!!!! homo

  78. or at least put in an auto filter for people asking for iso loaders...


  80. Can we play iso/cso games on 6.20 TN

  81. no you cant play cso/iso ! because you cant make backups with GO! and then its illegeal

  82. if this will work on psp go, we will have the possibility to play iso/cso on go, you will see. But first let's see if it works on PSP GO, but i'm sure it will work. all the best to total noob.

  83. good luck man keep up the good work and i hope u ll work on iso loader

  84. good luck... cheers from holland :D

  85. The only purpose for the iso/cso loader would be to "legally" back up our already purchased UMDs. Secondly, I really am at a loss as to why people keep pressing this piracy issue, if you use HBL I can be 99.9% sure that you guys are using one of the GBA, SNES, or etc emulators to play illegal copies of those ROMs, and by doing so you are committing copyright infringement. So please stop the anti-piracy rants as you all are being hypocrites by even playing any of the emulators on HBL.

  86. I bet not even 0.001% of the psp owners using an iso loader have even a slight idea of how to backup their own games

  87. Thanks Total_noob I've been stuck with 6.20 for probably a year now or 7 months...

    Anyways if there is anyway to donate my new PSPGo (I have 2 my friend didn't want it) Please let me know!

    And it looks like theres a hope of a release in november it looks like just a guess D:

  88. I think most of us are forgetting the reason why there is a CFW (or ISO loader to generalize for those who are asking for it)...

    # If you are only getting Custom Firmware so that you can download official games for free, then you should not use Custom Firmware.

    # The only reason Custom Firmware even has an ISO loader is so that people can use their Legal Backup Copies of UMDs that they already own. It was not made for people to pirate games.

    # The real reason Custom Firmware was created was the completely open the PSP, so people can play homebrew games or use applications that are blocked by the Official Firmware.


  89. why is it that a lot of people are stating that the psp scene is dying? come on now why is it dying? is it because there's no new CFW or is it just because you're just too cheap to buy games? I think most of us doesn't know why there's such a CFW, and it is made not to pirate games.

  90. congratulation boy!we believe in you!!!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. god damnit its almost cristmas! release something you bastard!

    fuck you, I want to have your children and your manliness deep inside me

    nice nice, make me betatester alright, i know you dont know me, but im trustworthy non the less

    *summing up about 116 comments in 3 sentences*

  93. It's ten months after Christmas!!! Release it!! :D

    Good one "ScoutingForMey" :D

  94. Sweet so it will work on psp version 3004 custon firmare 6.00 ?

  95. I smell a lot of pirates wanting to rush things...

  96. @Zachary
    For some people with little money have a psp is a miracle, because not all have enough money to buy original games if have LOT OF MONEY in your bank account good for you and you should thanks lord abouta that! Don't be a sucker just because you already buy and spend lots of money in original games!

  97. Shiver me timbers! Pirates? Where?

    Games ahoy!! Yo-ho-ho!!

  98. जल्दी निकालो.. जल्दी

  99. जल्दी निकालो.. जल्दी? Sure!

    ... Google Translate doesn't support Nepalese yet.

  100. जल्दी निकालो.. जल्दी = Release Quickly.. Quickly

  101. I just want this for ISO/CSO games because my UMD drive were broke already i wouldnt play any games expect PSN demos

  102. Hi I have a question I have a psp look version 6.31 and let me know if you may use this version

  103. genial i can t wait for cristmas.
    yu re like santa

  104. ohhhhhhh! This is goign to be the best Christmas ever!!! You are awesome Total_Noob!! you are the best!! Can't wait till the release! But I know I've got to be patient!

  105. hey when r u going to release it and is ISO workable on it

  106. दिवाली से पहले चाहिए

  107. मुझे तो अभी चहिये अभी. अभी.. अभी....

  108. TN,
    I have a question.
    Im on 6.20 PSP Go now. I realise that it is probably best to wait and not upgrade it to 6.30.

    But, knowing all you know about this behind the scenes, will there be a 6.30/31 close enough behind the initial release of 6.20 to make a difference?

    In other words, after 6.20 hen is released, will it be more than a month before 6.30/6.31 release if at all?

    Thank you.

    I paid for a ton of stuff on PSN and cant play ANY of it because it keeps asking me to update to 6.31! I desperately want to play ZHP. But, not enough to upgrade considering your work.

  109. To Super:
    It's not easy to release 6.30/6.31 HEN because there's no kernel hole for HEN.

  110. You are so great!! i was waiting for this news from so many days..

  111. @HSMT,
    Dude, do a research before commenting. This exploit exists even in 6.30/31. T_N, himself said it and even wololo confirmed.

  112. there's an exploit for 6.30/6.31 already (I think it's the golf game), might take months after the release of 6.20 TN HEN...

  113. Ok you guys, now i'm officially!

    So, which is it?
    Is there a 'hole' in 6.30/6.31 or not?

    It looks like 2 to 1, Yes on this so far. I had'nt realised that TN commented on this and gave an actual confirmation. Please site source or, TN if you are listening please clear this up for us. So far I have not updated, but many of us want to know the definitive answer to this question.


  114. yes there is a kernel exploit but tn decide to realease his hen in 6.20 because more people have 6.20 and for 6.30 you need to buy hot shot golf instead of 6.20 u only need patapon 2 demo!

    October 30, 2010 10:10 AM

  115. I really hope there's an update today. My exams have just getting my PSP geared up for some serious action.

  116. @ super the exploit still exist in 6.30/ 6.31 but currently the port to it is not available coz tn said he is not working on it yet. If you are on 6.20, do not update because we all know that Tn hen needs hbl to run and it is a great advantage on 5.03 -6.20 because patapon2 demo is available for free unlike the golf game that 6.30 and 6.31 uses in order to run hbl. One more thing, Tn hen does not support iso. Wait for some dev to make an iso loader.

  117. Plz relese it man!!!
    Ghost of Sparta is already out!!! :'(

  118. man..waiting till christmas feel like there any posibility hen will be release in november?

  119. Guys... the only devs that can make an ISO loader is TEAM GEN and remember what they did last time? THEY HAVE A CFW NOW! BUT IT NEEDS KERNAL ACCESS! AND MAYBE THEY WONT RELEASE IT UNTIL WE BEG THEM FOR IT! There is a 50-50 chance of them releasing it after TN releases his Hen -.-

  120. Well, I know that it's too difficult to just sit and wait but, is the only thing we can do for now, so I reccomend to everybody calm down and wait, something big will come soon =)...

  121. @MaChoTE,
    Yeah, I agree, but we must atleast keep chatting with each other (Chatting to PSP related things) by which we could share latest info. I know that this is not the right place to chat but still.

    New Video Guys!

  123. AWESOMEST!!! Now, finally SONY got owned ...

  124. Now that he has tested it on the GO and even named it TN-A, for the first revision. I guess, there's something to come out in a few days of time.

  125. you should relese it now total noob
    good work!!!!!!!

  126. Yeah the HEN works on PSPGo !

  127. Good job TN. Keep it up. I can't wait you to release the HEN

  128. Nice work, THANK at last light in the darkness thanks 4 ur work.

  129. heyy cuando se podra descargar para poder usar en la psp
    when we use the program to be able to download the PSP go version

  130. In Deutschland sind Ferien :)

    Klasse weiter so!!!

  131. Good job!

    From:Brazil and Portugal

  132. I only have PSP containing 6.30.
    I want 6.30/1 TN!!

    Keep on challanging!
    I'll be always your big fan.


  133. why dont you upgrade your blog total noob????

  134. तुम क्यों शनिवार को अद्यतन नहीं किया था.


    take a look guys

  136. @el_obitaro Thanks for feeding my weekend hope.

  137. I donated some for your future success. It looks good. I hope you'll bring this for FW 6.31. I also hope you'll be bringing us an .ISO loader in the future, if you do this you'll have my continued support and I'll donate even more. :-)

  138. @deosamox . thanks man ... same here it made myday

  139. felicitaciones.
    esperando mas noticias del HEN.
    saludos desde Chile.

  140. porque no actualiza el blog!!!
    aunque sea que ponga el nuevo video del psp go
    y que ya lo libere me muero por tener el hen!!
    pero de seguro aun no esta al 100% verdad?

  141. aa ya se porque no lo actualiza, segun wololo dice que tiene un como acuerdo con la pagina pspgen de que le tiene que enviar informacion a ella antes que a nadie es como si les diera la exclusiva y que el psp go tambien fue como un incentivo para que primero diera informacion a pspgen.
    a mi me da igual eso lo unico que quiero es el hen jaja

  142. will this work on psp 3004 with 6.31 ofw?

  143. dude plz try a hen for 6.31
    i heard there is an exploit in hot shot's golf or everybody's golf
    plz try for 6.31

  144. aw its already november and there is no update..
    ahhhkk.. its really hard to wait..

  145. He did not said that it will be released this november, He only stated that it will be before X-mas, so any day up to dec.25 is "before X-mas", TNs only human and a schoolboy, give the guy a break...

  146. Im going to buy PSPgo !!! :) Nice work :D

  147. could it run daedalus at full speed

  148. 50% of the profits to me, whutcha say eh?

  149. hi i have hacked my psp go 4.35 and i can get older games to work but wen i try and play ratchet and clank or other newer games it keeps reseting the psp can u help thanks

  150. me agen sorry i meant to say 6.35
